Making parts of a river!

Our topic is rivers so we made some paper mâché rivers. Each table had one part of a river. We had to draw out the part and then use paper and cover it up in plaster. We all had a great time.
By Lily-Ellen


Max & Maddie’s maths challenge

Year 6 got a present and showed it in assembly. Each class was set a challenge by a superhero called Max, who needed help with his friend called Maddie . These are the challenges we each got given: Year 6 made Maddie, Year 5 made their own packaging for super maths food, Year 4 made a maths first aid kit, Year 3 made trophies , Year 2 made pets , Year 1 made clothes , Reception made a house for Maddie and last but not least Nursery made a car.



Making boats!

Making boats was really fun we worked in pairs. We brought things from home to make our boats. We had to find a way to make them float. Some people even added sails.



Rocking Robin!

On Thursday the 19th December we went to the Derby high school to do a dance over the weeks before the 19th. We practiced for a long time with Miss Hall. We did the dance for their Christmas production. We all enjoyed it. By Eliana.