Welcome to our exhibition!

We had a great afternoon showing the other children and our parents what we have learnt in our Active planet topic. Did you visit? What did you think?

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Christmas Party!

We had a great time at our Christmas party with Year 3 we really enjoyed the games and party food.

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Erupting volcanoes

We used vinegar and baking powder mixed with soap and food colouring to make our volcanoes erupt. It was very messy but great fun. We learnt that the shape of the volcano effects the way the lava flows.




Making volcanoes

We made our own volcanoes using newspaper and masking tape. We painted them too.





Christmas production

We have been working hard on our songs and we are now ready to do our production of The Night Before Christmas.


T’was the night before Christmas….


This year we performed the Night before Christmas. Year 4 and Year 3 sang some great songs. What was your favourite song?

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